This is a special day 4 my family
cuz it is my elder sister birthday
we planned 2 act like forgot her birthday
so, v do not wish her birthday in the morning
SORRY if u really feel sad on dat time oo..sister
cuz v wanna give u a surprise ^^
when she returned home after working,
v celebrated her birthday wif her
v bought a blueberry cake (Winnie Pooh) 4 her
hope she like the cake ...
cuz i felt dat it taste good ...
Happy bitrday 2 u ..
happy birthday 2 u..
happy birthday 2 u ..
happy birthday 2 u !!
Hope u having a unforgettable birthday ya ..
lastly ..wish all ur dreams come true & all the best 2 u !!
My Dearest Sister ^o^
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
when i woke up in friday morning ..
i really feel tired + no mood ..
planned 2 absent cuz feel lazy go 2 skul..
but at last i forced myself 2 wake up
cuz 2day got bio presentation..
i thought dat our group will be present...
so I prefer went 2 skul ...
who knows dat is not our turn to present ...@@
therefore v have 2 wait 4 the bio class on next week..
during our MUET period..
v watched some video on Wildlife..
i am felt dat the animals so poor...
bcuz the human did such cruelty action 2 them...
after watched the video..
i guessed v had learnt something new 2day...
after mum came 2 fetch me
really feel so hungry cuz waiting 4 almost an hour..
so..its already the lunch hour
while my mum & I felt no idea 2 eat at where ,
my sister called us and told dat she
had her lunch wif my cousin at Mcdonald..
so...v went 2 Mcdonald 2 have our lunch ..
and v ordered the
+Spicy Chicken McDeluxe +
+McChicken +
+Apple pie +
+Chocolate Sundae+
all the yummy food dat i LoVe..haha
although dat it will put on a lot in my weight =( after I having dis meal
but I oso wanna eat cuz its really delicious + tasty..
although not in a good mood in the morning ...
still feel happy 2day...
but really dunno y ...
mayb bcuz of some incident dat made me feel so touched ...
Bcuz I know dat ...
when sadness fills my heart
when tears flow from my eyes
u will want me to let u know..
bcuz u will alwiz be there 4 me...
and I know dat ..
TQ so much 4 ur caring + supporting lol...
i will rmb it ...^^
i really feel tired + no mood ..
planned 2 absent cuz feel lazy go 2 skul..
but at last i forced myself 2 wake up
cuz 2day got bio presentation..
i thought dat our group will be present...
so I prefer went 2 skul ...
who knows dat is not our turn to present ...@@
therefore v have 2 wait 4 the bio class on next week..
during our MUET period..
v watched some video on Wildlife..
i am felt dat the animals so poor...
bcuz the human did such cruelty action 2 them...
after watched the video..
i guessed v had learnt something new 2day...
after mum came 2 fetch me
really feel so hungry cuz waiting 4 almost an hour..
so..its already the lunch hour
while my mum & I felt no idea 2 eat at where ,
my sister called us and told dat she
had her lunch wif my cousin at Mcdonald..
so...v went 2 Mcdonald 2 have our lunch ..
and v ordered the
+Spicy Chicken McDeluxe +
+McChicken +
+Apple pie +
+Chocolate Sundae+
all the yummy food dat i LoVe..haha
although dat it will put on a lot in my weight =( after I having dis meal
but I oso wanna eat cuz its really delicious + tasty..
although not in a good mood in the morning ...
still feel happy 2day...
but really dunno y ...
mayb bcuz of some incident dat made me feel so touched ...
Bcuz I know dat ...
when sadness fills my heart
when tears flow from my eyes
u will want me to let u know..
bcuz u will alwiz be there 4 me...
and I know dat ..
TQ so much 4 ur caring + supporting lol...
i will rmb it ...^^
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
this month really busy ..
doing the colloquy on different subject...
juz finished the PA only....
now added on Muet & Chem ...
really hate it so much....
but wat 2 do lol...still nid 2 do it oso..haizzzz
doing the colloquy on different subject...
juz finished the PA only....
now added on Muet & Chem ...
really hate it so much....
but wat 2 do lol...still nid 2 do it oso..haizzzz
long time dint updated liao...
cuz really lazy + no time lol..
kena scold by my friend ad..
so hav 2 post something..haha
Yesterday actually had trip 2 MATTA fair wif scout's frenzz
but my parents oso wanna went there ..
So...i decided 2 went MATTA fair wif family
it was quite many ppl on dat day.. mayb bcuz of it was the last day ad (i think so)
v got a mask 4 each person after paid the entrance fee..
i think it might be the step done by organiser 2 prevent H1N1
Since v got the mask and as a support to them..
my sister & I wear it up so dat it wont be wasted lol..
There r many travel package until v cant even look up all..
therefore v chose the place which v r interestd only..
it was attracted me 2 travel after went 2 the MATTA fair..
really hope dat time pass quickly right now...
so dat the raya holiday is coming soon ....^^
HOLIDAY>>>>>>I luv U
after dreaming... nid 2 facing reality & give up my illusions....
many folio + scrapbook hav 2 do...
its really makes me feel struggling...@@
hope i can finish it ASAP....
cuz really lazy + no time lol..
kena scold by my friend ad..
so hav 2 post something..haha
Yesterday actually had trip 2 MATTA fair wif scout's frenzz
but my parents oso wanna went there ..
So...i decided 2 went MATTA fair wif family
it was quite many ppl on dat day.. mayb bcuz of it was the last day ad (i think so)
v got a mask 4 each person after paid the entrance fee..
i think it might be the step done by organiser 2 prevent H1N1
Since v got the mask and as a support to them..
my sister & I wear it up so dat it wont be wasted lol..
There r many travel package until v cant even look up all..
therefore v chose the place which v r interestd only..
it was attracted me 2 travel after went 2 the MATTA fair..
really hope dat time pass quickly right now...
so dat the raya holiday is coming soon ....^^
HOLIDAY>>>>>>I luv U
after dreaming... nid 2 facing reality & give up my illusions....
many folio + scrapbook hav 2 do...
its really makes me feel struggling...@@
hope i can finish it ASAP....
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Almost everyday doing the same things
really feel so bored ar... sien sien sien
hope dat there will be some "interesting" incident happen..hahaha
so dat i would not feel dat boring of my skul life... @@
Today v received a bad news from skul
ppu have 2 go back at 3.30pm === shocked *O*
haizz...really so cham ar..
i ad feel so tortured when stayed at skul from morning till 3.00pm
now extend more half an hour ....
how am i going 2 survive on dat time... T.T
b4 school ended, class monitar called up by u6 to "fight" it with teacher
I've told dat headmistress has banned our request .. so sad
really hope dat there r miracle....
so dat v all can go back early lol.. haha
Holiday is coming .... so happy ...
I ad in holiday mood although 2molo still need go 2 skul
really many presentations hav 2 do within 1 week holiday
but still have many activities during dis holiday..hehe
scared dat i cant afford 2 finished all my works in short time...
I think i really hav 2 manage my time properly ad...wakaka...
There will be a backwood at Hulu Langat on 22 August
haven decide whether wanna go onot.....
anybody can help me oo... go or not go leh??
really feel hard 2 make decision lol....
hope 2 go cuz long time dint do it ad ....miss it very much >.<
but there r also some factors make me dunno wanna go onot ...haizzzz
c 1 lol..dunno..hope I can decide it soon...
really feel so bored ar... sien sien sien
hope dat there will be some "interesting" incident happen..hahaha
so dat i would not feel dat boring of my skul life... @@
Today v received a bad news from skul
ppu have 2 go back at 3.30pm === shocked *O*
haizz...really so cham ar..
i ad feel so tortured when stayed at skul from morning till 3.00pm
now extend more half an hour ....
how am i going 2 survive on dat time... T.T
b4 school ended, class monitar called up by u6 to "fight" it with teacher
I've told dat headmistress has banned our request .. so sad
really hope dat there r miracle....
so dat v all can go back early lol.. haha
Holiday is coming .... so happy ...
I ad in holiday mood although 2molo still need go 2 skul
really many presentations hav 2 do within 1 week holiday
but still have many activities during dis holiday..hehe
scared dat i cant afford 2 finished all my works in short time...
I think i really hav 2 manage my time properly ad...wakaka...
There will be a backwood at Hulu Langat on 22 August
haven decide whether wanna go onot.....
anybody can help me oo... go or not go leh??
really feel hard 2 make decision lol....
hope 2 go cuz long time dint do it ad ....miss it very much >.<
but there r also some factors make me dunno wanna go onot ...haizzzz
c 1 lol..dunno..hope I can decide it soon...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Today still need go 2 school cuz ganti for the Deepavali holiday..
really feel lazy 2 go cuz actually not need go 2 school today ..haizzz
many ppl absent 2day...including our class which only having about 10++ person
hahaha....therefore teacher dint teach lesson in class
so Peak Fong & I talk in dat free period
Later, we are called up by teacher to practice a Merdeka song
which will be present by those who are coming 2day on Monday..
we practice this song 4 many times until I feel dat my voice had used up..
Although ad practice many times, but I am sure dat I must 4get how 2 sing it on Monday
So...juz pandai-pandai on dat time lol..wakaka XD
During the last period, juz waiting 4 the bell rang and thinking 4 'gai gai 'only^^
After school, we quickly go 2 eat our lunch cuz most of us really feel so hungry
Then v go 2 leisure mall 2 watch the movie"大内密令零零狗"
dat movie actually ok ok lol...cuz not very very nice but funny oso laa
after watched the movie ,we go 2 Wong Kok yam cha......
Thien Jee ,Wai Yen ,Wen Hui , Yee Teng & Lai Yen ordered foods & drinks
while Peak Fong, Elyn & me dint order anything
so, v r juz busy talking & taking photo on dat time...hahaha
realise dat I still hav many homeworks haven done yet...
somemore many presentation work hav 2 do ...feel very fan ar@@
dun hav time 2 do such many things in a short period ...
time like pass so fast ooo...T.T
hope dat i can stop it (but i know dat its IMPOSSIBLE)
really feel lazy 2 go cuz actually not need go 2 school today ..haizzz
many ppl absent 2day...including our class which only having about 10++ person
hahaha....therefore teacher dint teach lesson in class
so Peak Fong & I talk in dat free period
Later, we are called up by teacher to practice a Merdeka song
which will be present by those who are coming 2day on Monday..
we practice this song 4 many times until I feel dat my voice had used up..
Although ad practice many times, but I am sure dat I must 4get how 2 sing it on Monday
So...juz pandai-pandai on dat time lol..wakaka XD
During the last period, juz waiting 4 the bell rang and thinking 4 'gai gai 'only^^
After school, we quickly go 2 eat our lunch cuz most of us really feel so hungry
Then v go 2 leisure mall 2 watch the movie"大内密令零零狗"
dat movie actually ok ok lol...cuz not very very nice but funny oso laa
after watched the movie ,we go 2 Wong Kok yam cha......
Thien Jee ,Wai Yen ,Wen Hui , Yee Teng & Lai Yen ordered foods & drinks
while Peak Fong, Elyn & me dint order anything
so, v r juz busy talking & taking photo on dat time...hahaha
realise dat I still hav many homeworks haven done yet...
somemore many presentation work hav 2 do ...feel very fan ar@@
dun hav time 2 do such many things in a short period ...
time like pass so fast ooo...T.T
hope dat i can stop it (but i know dat its IMPOSSIBLE)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
wen hui , lai yen & yi ling有参加,
所以我, Elyn, Peak Fong & Yee teng留下来支持他们
比赛到一半时,yee teng突然中了"头奖"..好可怜
为了安慰yee teng ,我们就去阳光吃东西(juz joking onli)
晚上的时候,我与家人去petaling street 吃晚餐...
过后去pasar malam...又是一样那么多人啊....
wen hui , lai yen & yi ling有参加,
所以我, Elyn, Peak Fong & Yee teng留下来支持他们
比赛到一半时,yee teng突然中了"头奖"..好可怜
为了安慰yee teng ,我们就去阳光吃东西(juz joking onli)
晚上的时候,我与家人去petaling street 吃晚餐...
过后去pasar malam...又是一样那么多人啊....
Friday, June 26, 2009

2molo our scl will held jogathon at tmn tasik Permaisuri...
Feel a little bit lazy 2 go ad...@@
but promised wif frenz ad... so cant change mind lol...
actually my frenz & I decide 2 watch movie but all of the tickets are fully book...
so we cant go 2 watch movie ad...5555555
thus...v planned 2 yum cha + chat after the jogathon ..haha
at least got something 2 do....
so many hw haven finished ar....
cuz also dunno how 2 do ....
reli so hard ar..... feel like no idea ad....
Gambateh !!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
~ o ~
Dunno y suddenly feel so strange to the school life...
and a little bit bored + tired .........
the koko activities are starting ....dunno whether want 2 go onot.....
Haizz..... really feel like lost direction & dunno wat 2 do...
Although i know dat cant think so.....but im cant control my mind...
hahahaha...really so bad lol.... @@
555555... dunno y feel a little bit sad 2day....
hope all bad things away from me... i hate 2 c them honestly.....
and a little bit bored + tired .........
the koko activities are starting ....dunno whether want 2 go onot.....
Haizz..... really feel like lost direction & dunno wat 2 do...
Although i know dat cant think so.....but im cant control my mind...
hahahaha...really so bad lol.... @@
555555... dunno y feel a little bit sad 2day....
hope all bad things away from me... i hate 2 c them honestly.....
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